miércoles, abril 12, 2006


en el vuelo de regreso de praga leí las siguientes citas que me gustaron mucho. podrían ser una fuente de inspiración para un amigo que trata de cambiar la industria del cemento... o para cualquiera de nosotros que queremos lograr cambios en las cosas que hacemos, independientemente de cual sea nuestro trabajo.

ahí les va:

why the record company Decca turned down the beatles in 1962: "we don't like your sound. guitargroups are a thing of the past"

bill gates, 1981: "640K should be enough for anybody"

lord kelvin (mathematician and physicist), 1897: "the radio has no future"

kaiser wilhem II: "i believe in the horse. the automobile is just a temporary ocurrence"

karl benz, 1920: "the car is now completely developed. what else can still come?"

gottlieb daimler: "there will be 5,000 cars built at most. there are no more chauffeurs to steer them"

henry ford II as he was offered the whole of volkswagen, factory and patents for free short after the end of world war II, 1945: "no thank you, this car is constructional defect"

joseph p. kennedy, 1929: "i have no political ambitious for myself or my children"

margaret thatcher, 1974: "it will still take many years -and certainly not in my lifetime- before a woman becomes british prime minister"

irving fischer, professor of economics, october 17th 1929: "it looks like the stock markets have reached a permanent high level"

william orton, chief executive of western union, after alexander graham bell offered to sell his small phone company for 100,000 USD:
"how shall our company profit from an electronic toy?"


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Good design!
[url=http://gkcnwowf.com/wpvp/gwjy.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://hqqjnxie.com/vwhw/sghj.html]Cool site[/url]

7:49 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Well done!
My homepage | Please visit

7:49 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Nice site!
http://gkcnwowf.com/wpvp/gwjy.html | http://jbibhdmu.com/mwjv/vrag.html

7:49 p. m.  

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